Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mural Project in La Mantanza - Fun, Art & Action!

Conviven will soon be opening a new Centre in La Mantanza. Conviven will be working closely with Patricias Argentinas who are an established organisation in the community.

In January 2011, Conviven & Patricias Argentinas worked together to create a beautiful mural at Patricias Argentinas Centre in La Mantanza.

Day 1

We all spent time in the afternoon with the children and teenagers
who attend the Centre
drawing out designs for the mural. The kids had really great, colourful ideas.

The Centre is a place of action, so we started transferring the designs onto the wall the same day. We worked together to decide the design and it was great to see everyone so enthusiastic about the project.

By the end of the first day, the teenagers had designed the mural and sketched the design on the

Day 2

So time to add some colour! The kids from the Centre were eager to paint so started right away.

The teenagers who attend the Centre arrived with lots of ideas for the final section of the mural. Before long, everyone was covering the walls (and themselves!) with paint.

It was great to see everyone working together & having fun.

Day 3

Everyone worked really hard on the final day to finish the mural. It was a really long, hot day
(34 degrees) but we still had lots of

We added a few more features to the murals and mustered all our artistic ability to make the mural as beautiful as possible. Here is the end result so you can judge for yourself………

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